Washington Square Tree Lighting And Caroling - December 7th And 24th



Wednesday, December 7th, 6pm at the Washington Square Arch

The Washington Square Association is excited to announce that we are returning to the Arch this year for our festive tree lighting. We invite you to join us for this holiday tradition that’s beloved by the community - please bring your friends and family. We will sing carols and are fortunate again to have The Rob Sussman Brass Quartet provide the music and Linseigh Green lead us through the Songbook of Carols, which we will happily distribute and can be found online here

Please also join us for:


Saturday, December 24th, 5pm at the Washington Square Arch

Christmas Eve, at 5 pm is our favorite time to celebrate the holiday with carols at the Washington Square Arch. We look forward to this event each year and hope you can join us as we celebrate the true meaning of the holidays together, in song. 

We need your help to pay for the tree, the lights, and the musicians!

This year the costs of the tree have increased substantially and due to a change of policy at NYC Parks, the WSA is incurring the expenses of the lights as well - and there are 8,100 of them! The enclosed envelope and donation coupon are for your use; please address your checks to the 501(c)(3), Friends of Washington Square Park, for a tax deduction. You can also donate online by taking a photo of the QR codes to the left or by going to our website, WashingtonSquareNYC.org, and clicking on the Donate or Become A Member button.

100% of your donations and membership fees go to funding our free programs like the Washington Square Chess Exhibition and the Washington Square Music Festival, as well as our advocacy on the neighborhood’s behalf. We hope you will continue your support.  

We thank you in advance for helping to make this holiday season a joyous one in the community and we hope you can join us…and please feel free to invite your friends! 

Kind regards,

Trevor Sumner, President

P.S. We hope you will join us in the coming year for our other free programs including the Washington Square Chess Exhibition, the Contemporary Arts Lecture Series, and the 65th season of the Washington Square Music Festival!

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